You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Graphical models for multivariate extremes
With S. Engelke, M. Hentschel and F. Röttger.
To appear in Handbook on Statistics of Extremes, 2025+ (arXiv)
This chapter will appear in the upcoming Handbook on Statistics of Extremes. It reviews various recent developments concerning undirected and directed graphical models for extreme values.
Learning extremal graphical structures in high dimensions
With S. Engelke and S. Volgushev.
In submission, 2025+ (arXiv)
This paper proposes a methodology that provably learns extremal graphical models in settings where the dimension is allowed to grow exponentially in the effective sample size. Along the way, we prove a sub-exponential concentration inequality for the empirical version of the extremal variogram, an object of intrest in multivariate and high-dimensional extreme value theory.
On pairwise interaction multivariate Pareto models
Stat 12(1) (arXiv, published)
It is shown that no multivariate Pareto model, other than the Hüsler–Reiss family, can have the structure of a pairwise interaction model.
A new family of smooth copulas with arbitrarily irregular densities
With R. Zimmerman.
In submission, 2022+ (arXiv)
In this paper, we construct a class of copulas that have densities and uniformly bounded high order partial derivatives, but whose densities can be arbitrarily irregular. In particular, we identify a copula density that is finite but nowhere bounded.
Rank-based estimation under asymptotic dependence and independence, with applications to spatial extremes
With S. Engelke and S. Volgushev.
Annals of Statistics 49(5), 2552-2576 (arXiv, published, supplement)
This paper provides theoretical tools and a new methodology to fit flexible bivariate and spatial tail dependence models that include both asymptotic dependence and independence.